Efficient budget control with OOB Share

Efficient budget control with OOB Share

Staying on top of campaign performance is more important than ever. For some campaigns, the Out Of Budget Share (OOB Share) feature in our Ad Optimizer can be a useful option to fine-tune ad spend.

OOB Share provides hourly updates on how campaign budgets are being utilized - offering a more detailed view than the usual daily insights. This can be especially helpful during events, where quick adjustments might make a big difference.

What does OOB Share do in a nutshell?

  • Tracks percentage-based budget utilization for each campaign
  • Flags campaigns that are either overspending or underspending in real time
  • Provides actionable insights every hour, not just daily
  • OOB Share is a great way to stay agile during such a fast-paced week. For those campaigns that need extra attention, it’s worth considering to ensure budgets are being used effectively.

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