Get ready for Success in the Amazon &
e-Commerce World

metoda Consulting combines our powerful e-Commerce data & know-how to provide customized solutions tailored to your goals and individual needs.


Get ahead of your Competitors & Grow your Business through data-driven Insights

We support you to succeed even better in today’s Amazon and e-Commerce world with valuable data & analyses.

In the Amazon World:

1. Market: market size, market share, competitor analysis

2. Visibility: organic & paid visibility

3. Search: brand strength, search behavior, interests

4. & 5. Click & Conversion: click & conversion sources, ASIN performance

6. Product: retail readiness, advertising portfolio analysis, buybox analysis

On other e-Commerce platforms:

7. Price: price analysis, channel analysis

8. Assortment: assortment gaps, competitor analysis

9. Customized Analyses

A Selection of our successful Consulting Projects

Amazon Launch: Status quo & Potential Assessment

Start your Amazon business well prepared with an as-is-analysis and recommendations to uncover your full sales potential.

Amazon Market Analysis for new Category

Find out how big the market and revenue potential is for a specific category and country.

How to Improve your Amazon Ads Strategy

Read our Whitepaper and learn how you can leverage your Amazon Ads strategy based on customer search and buying behavior.

Let’s empower your e-Commerce Business together

Talk to one of experts to find out how we can support you in reaching your goals!

Let's talk