Save the date: July 5th, 2022 @11:00 AM – Amazon Market Insights Webinar Category “Pans & Pots”
What do we know about the users’ search & buying behavior in the category “Pots & Pans” on Amazon DE?
Most of the search traffic is generic (68%) resulting in 67% of conversions from generic traffic.
With only 12% of the total search traffic, “pfanne” is the most searched word, followed by “topfset” with 5%.
Despite the majority of search traffic being generic consumers still search for well-known brands. You probably have some brands in mind.
When it comes to branded searches, wmf is the most searched brand with 36% of the branded traffic, followed by tefal (15%) who is actually the market leader in this category.
Why is that? The higher generic conversion share leads to a higher market share for tefal.
But how is all of this important for scaling up your Amazon business?
Join our free Amazon Market Insights Webinar on July 5th, 2022 @11:00 AM to find out.
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