Last week we shared some interesting insights on the sales development of the category “Baby” on Amazon DE: Sales increased by about 30% yoy in 2020 and by ~25% ytd in 2021.

This time we took a closer look into the bestseller sub-category “Kinderwagen, Buggys & Zubehör”. This is a “mixed” category, i.e. including the products (stroller, buggies) and related accessories.

To no surprise, the majority of units sold – namely 85% – accounts for accessories, such as umbrellas or bags, and only 15% for strollers and buggies themselves.

Revenue wise, the picture looks different though: 45% of revenue are made through accessories and 55% due to strollers and buggies, which can be traced back to the high price difference: 99% of the accessory units sold have a price up to 50 EUR, while the same goes for only 6% of the stroller/buggy units sold.

This explains why the top two brands with the highest market share in orders are accessory brands: Zamboo and Fehn. Whereas the top two brands with the highest market share in revenue are stroller/buggy brands: Kinderkraft and Hauck.