How visible are brands in paid and organic results in the category “Water Bottles” on Amazon DE? 

Looking at the search traffic, most of it can be traced back to generic search terms, such as “trinkflasche” (17.9%).

Although the brand “air up” shows up 4 times in the top 10 search terms in this category. 

For visibility, we tracked the top 10 generic search terms, which account for ~43% of the whole search traffic in the “Water Bottles” category. 

As you can see, “sigg” is the brand with the highest organic visibility, while “720°degree” (a German brand) has the highest paid visibility.

The relatively high visibility share of other brands, means that many unknown and small brands are competing with each other.

But how can you win this fight and make your brand more visible?

Join our free Amazon Market Insights Webinar on Dec 7th, 2021 @11:00 AM to find out.